African American, Artist, Asian, Contemporary, InActive, Photography

M. Allen Sykes

Through the lens of his camera, you can view and embrace splendor and brilliance of Mother Nature from…

A wonder posed in the wild blue yonder
The main attraction of a solo blossom in bloom
Nature displaying her true colors

The beauty and fullness of the earth is his centerfold. His camera awakens with the sunrise, retires with the sunset and becomes wedded to pure pleasure of nature’s perfection…

Allen grew up in the coal mining area at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Western Pennsylvania. After taking many required hikes and forced marches during his stint in the service, he swore never to hike again. it was only after being asked repeatedly to accompany friends on a hike to Eagle Peak in Mt. Rainier National Park that he learned to appreciate the beauty at our doorsteps. He was quite surprised to see the majestic mountains of Western Washington to enjoy the landscape as it changed from season-to-season.

Living in the Seattle area since 1962, over the years Allen has captured on film sights that mirror the images of his hiking experiences and various trips. Whatever the breath-taking scene it’s as if you were there…